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Mapa animado del eclipse solar anular-total de 3 de noviembre de 2013, de Michael Zeiler

I've been experimenting with new techniques for animating eclipse maps. This video demonstrates a moving map centered on the shadow of the moon (umbra) during the course of an eclipse. Each frame spans one second and given the 30 frames/second rate of the video, this animation is sped up 30x over the real-time passage of the eclipse.

In the coming weeks, I'll publish finished eclipse animations and eclipse maps on my website,

This animation was produced using Esri's ArcGIS software using computations from Solar Eclipse Maestro by Xavier Jubier and eclipse elements calculated by Fred Espenak.

Visitas: 134


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Comentario por Antônio Carlos Costa Lima Vieira el noviembre 2, 2013 a las 10:36pm

El mapa del territorio donde la sombra del eclipse pasará.

Comentario por Maria Ysabél el mayo 16, 2013 a las 5:31pm

       ¡¡Muy bueno Antonio!! 

Comentario por Antônio Carlos Costa Lima Vieira el mayo 16, 2013 a las 3:08pm

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