Todos los vídeos etiquetados Nuestros Experimentos Humanos (Astrologos del Mundo) - Astrologos del Mundo 2024-06-26T11:34:58Z nuclear testing.wmv,2013-11-17:2044613:Video:461649 2013-11-17T14:36:13.440Z Maria Ysabél <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Versión reducida" /><br /> </a><br />Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place between 1945 an... <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Versión reducida" /><br /> </a><br />Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place between 1945 an...