Estrella mágica de siete puntas, que nos muestra los días y ciclos en su interior y en el exterior Las horas Planetarias.
Como Firdaria los Antiguos definían el Ciclo en que cada Planeta rige con sus características y potencia entregando poder y vida de acuerdo a como es Él.
Por ejemplo el siglo pasado comenzó con Mercurio hasta 1909, durante su regencia se acentúa el comercio, las facultades analíticas y es regente de banqueros e investigadores, desde 1909 hasta 1944 fue el período de Marte, durante este período fueron las dos guerras mundiales, este Planeta se encuentra asociado a la ira, lucha, osadía y vehemencia. Del 45 al 80 fue la regencia de la Luna, acentuando las utopías, los sueños y grandes ideales, el plano sideral y la búsqueda de experiencias nuevas, fue el período hippie, la carrera espacial, la experimentación con LSD, el psicoanálisis los grandes sueños. Desde 1981 hasta el 2016 estamos en el reinado del Sol en él se privilegia el “éxito ”la admiración pública, la palabra admírenme nos rige, el oro y el poder. Los estados imperio y los grandes monopolios, la sobre valoración de las riquezas y todo lo que se pueda comprar. A contar del 2017 y hasta el 2052 es el reinado de Saturno, el cambio social, la destrucción de lo anterior, la renovación y desde el 2053 comienza Venus, el amor, la belleza y las Artes.
Al igual que en los días de la semana existen las horas como sub-ciclos, en los grandes Ciclos Astrológicos también existen sub-ciclos de Planetas, y de Signos. Veremos el efecto de los Signos que nos han entregado las características propias de cada uno, cada quince años, actualmente nos rige Virgo hasta el 2012, materialistas, cerebrales, buenos oradores, necesitan seguridad física y económica, pero que otros la consigan por ellos. El sub-ciclo anterior de Leo del 83 al 97, de cuerpos fuertes, gritones van por libertad de acción y poder. Y un poco antes (del 68 al 83) Cáncer con su generación lunar, los hippie.
Estos Ciclos y sub- ciclos también vienen reflejados para cada uno de nosotros en nuestras vidas, es así que los antiguos Persas nos legaron esta Ciencia que nos permite saber como seremos afectados por los Planetas durante cada período de la vida.
Un calculador gratuito de tu Firdaria con interpretación (en inglés):
How to Calculate Firdaria
Seven planets and two Moon Nodes rule, one after another, periods of human life. The periods of planets (but not of the Moon Nodes) can be further subdivided into subperiods.
There are two possible sequences of period rulers. One sequence is for those who were born at daytime, another sequence is for those born at night. Both sequences follow the well known in esoteric sciences Chaldean Order, but the sequence for those born at day starts from the Sun, while the sequence for those born at night starts from the Moon.
Here is the sequence for those who were born at day:
Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, North Node, South Node.
And here is the sequence for those who were born at night:
Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, North Node, South Node, Sun, Venus, Mercury.
Each planet has its own number of years to rule:
Sun 10 years Jupiter 12 years
Venus 8 years Mars 7 years
Mercury 13 years North Node 3 years
Moon 9 years South Node 2 years
Saturn 11 years
Each period (except of the periods of the North and South Nodes which are quite short) can be further divided into seven subperiods, each of them 1/7 of the length of the main period. The first subperiod is ruled by the same planet which rules the period and then the rulers of subperiods follow in the same order as the rulers of periods.
Of course, there is no need to calculate all this by hand, you can use Firdar Calculator.
How to Interpret Firdaria: the General Approach
The simplest approach is to use the general symbolism of the planets ruling periods and subperiods. The Moon is associated with family, home, women, emotional life, the Sun symbolises creativity, prominent position, desire to be noticed, to be in the center of events. The period of Jupiter is usually the period of advancement, travelling, active development of one's potential, while South Node brings isolation and forsaken feeling. I am planning to add general interpretations like this to the Firdar Calculator soon (or they might be already available).
This approach is very simple and universal, but it has a serious downside. For example, all those who were born at night, have the same sequence of Firdaria - and as a result, they will have exactly the same sequence of interpretations. The same holds true for all those born by day. But all people are different!
Still, the general interpretation is not completely worthless, especially if the descriptions used are general enough. We can see the prevailing theme for a period, but each of us will understand that theme in a different way, depending on his or her individual experience and the events of the previous periods.
The "Enhanced" General Approach
It is possible to make the general approach somewhat more informative if you consider the planets ruling your Sun Sign, i.e. the Sign of the Zodiac where your Sun was situated at your birth. It is exactly the sign defined by birthday, as used in popular astrology.
I would suggest that the Firdar of the ruler of your Sun Sign shows the period of your life which is more important than other periods in terms of achieving the goals of your life. The planet which has exaltation in your Sun Sign (if any) can also be very important in this respect. Here are the traditional rulers and exalting planets for all twelve Signs of the Zodiac:
Ruler Exaltation
Aries Mars Sun
Taurus Venus Moon
Gemini Mercury
Cancer Moon Jupiter
Leo Sun
Virgo Mercury
Libra Venus Saturn
Scorpio Mars
Sagittarius Jupiter
Capricorn Saturn Mars
Aquarius Saturn
Pisces Jupiter Venus
For example, if you are an Aries, then Mars and Sun Firdaria can be of a special significance in your life, at least in terms of finding your career, place in society or higher purpose in your life. However, if you are a Taurus, this special significance should be given to Venus and the Moon.
It might be equally important to consider the ruler and the exalting planet of your Moon Sign, this time in terms of creating family, finding your home on the Earth, making roots. Moon Sign cannot be found from just your birthday but there are special calculators that can find this sign for you easily. One of them, Your Moon Sign, can be found at the Lunarium website.
Individual Approach
It is only with individual approach towards interpretation that Firdaria method can show its real power. In this case, time and place of birth are taken in consideration and the real birth chart of the person is built. As a result, we can see the houses occupied by planets, the houses ruled by them, which allows to understand the individual role of each planet in the person's life.
It will also make sense in such approach to consider planet's dignities and debilities as also the aspects formed between them.
However, this approach is significantly more complex than the general one. One of the ultimate purposes of this project is to create an intellectual Firdaria interpreter that will produce a highly individualised interpretation for each user, based on their unique birth data.
As soon as the first draft of this interpreter will be completed, you will see it on this website.
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